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Blue Spring Premium is bottled at source. The soft and yet silica-rich natural artesian water directly comes from the very source through stainless pipe to the bottling plant, one of the most recently built facilities in New Zealand. The plant is equipped with full line of the latest bottling technologies from tanks to palletizing, regarded as a leading manufacturer in production quality among range of natural water bottlers throughout the country.

The natural mineral water from the famous Blue Spring never touches outer air during the entire bottling process. While preserving as much natural element as possible, the plant is also designed to assure sufficient water safety measures such as UV treatment. stringent quality control standards are applied to and kept at each point in the whole production process.
Our customers in the end can therefore enjoy the natural benefit, finely soft taste, and the safety of the special waer of utmost quality.

Passionately we deliver the premium mineral water produced with premium quality.

ミネラルウォーター「ブルースプリング プレミアム」はボトルド・アット・ソース(採水場所でボトリングされること)の天然鉱泉水です。有名なブルースプリング源泉の底に湧出する希少な鉱泉は、源泉に直接備え付けられているパイプを通じ、全く外気に触れさせずに水源地のボトリング工場に運ばれます。

ブルースプリング プレミアムの充填工場はニュージーランド国内にある水源工場の中でも最も品質が高いといわれる最新鋭の製造ラインを備えており、天然成分をそのまま生かしながら紫外線照射といった安全性に求められる工程も備えています。タンクからパレタイジングに至る全製造工程で厳格な品質管理が徹底されています。

